Coffin Bay Yacht Club is a not-for-profit community club run by volunteers. The club is governed by a constitution that sets out the rules of operation for the various activities of the club as well as Annual and Special General Meetings. A copy of the constitution is provided here: CBYC Constitution_Sep2023
Coffin Bay Yacht Club is a Member of Australian Sailing and as such has adopted and abides by the Australian Sailing Member Protection Policy, Code of Conduct and Child Safeguarding Policy.
The General Committee schedules the date for the Annual General Meeting each year following adoption of the independent financial review. In line with our constitution, the AGM must be held by the end of November. The 2024 AGM will be held at the club on Sunday 22nd September 2024 at 3pm.
The Club’s General Committee for 2024/25 is made up of the following volunteers:
Flag & Executive Officers
Commodore: Brenton Wilhelm
Vice Commodore: Jane Cross
Rear Commodore: Noel (Irish) Fealy
Secretary & Treasurer: Karen Tagg
General Committee
Sailing Officer: Peter Henderson
House Officer: Amy Carr
Public Officer: Michael Bolenski
General Committee: Liam Utting
General Committee: Clint Bradford
General Committee: Lisa Henderson
General Committee: Matthew Mercer
General Committee: Michael Bolenski
Employee Personnel
Hospitality Manager: Amy Carr
Hospitality Team: Brooke Utting, Brooke Cox, Cheryl Hazell